Wraparound Childcare

Our breakfast club and after school provision is provided by Camberwell After School Provision (CASP).

CASP offers wraparound childcare services that cater for your child’s developmental needs. The services include Breakfast Club and Drop-Off at school, After School collection and a Holiday Playscheme.

Click on this link for more information about CASP.


ParentLine is a messaging service for parents and carers of school-aged children in Southwark and Lambeth. Parents and carers can message a school nurse to get confidential advice about their child’s health-related issues. School nurses work during school holiday periods, so you can get in touch then too. Find out more about the service and confidentiality on the Evelina London website.

The ParentLine number is 07520 631 130. This is a text number only and cannot receive phone calls.

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