
We are very proud of the personal development and citizenship skills that John Ruskin pupils gain at our school. We feel particularly proud when other people notice how well the children behave on school trips, relate to adults and participate in community events.
You can read some of the testimonials we have received below:
Hello John Ruskin School,
I was on the bus yesterday, sat on the top deck, and a stream of tiny tots from your school flooded in to fill the remaining seats. It’s always pleasant to see little school kids on a trip somewhere, but this time was special because it was the most well behaved group of little children I had ever seen in my life. I was in complete awe for the entire journey as they were all so considerate of not disturbing the quiet on the top deck and very carefully following the instructions of the accompanying teachers.
Hats off to both of those teachers for the great job they were doing yesterday and the job they continue to do everyday! I didn’t get their names unfortunately… they were on the bus between 9am and midday. If that helps you identify them then please commend them on my behalf, and I imagine also the rest of the bus-taking Camberwell locals!
Keep up the great work!
Best wishes,
Dear Donna and Linda,
It has been an absolute pleasure having the children from John Ruskin Primary School attend the Art Room this term. We had a great time with them and thoroughly looked forward to our Thursdays working with them.
Dear Linda,
I wanted to say to you in person that we were incredibly impressed by how inspired by learning the young people we worked with were. I think that in all of the year 6’s I have worked with across London, they are the first who consistently seemed genuinely inspired by what was going on in the classroom and with a thirst for knowledge – not the dread of SATs, and year 6 just being a year to get ready for SATs. It was really refreshing.
Each week we would get told in detail, by every member of the group, about what they were doing. One week they all took it in turns to tell us the story of ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’! The relationship they had with the TAs was lovely. They also spoke very positively about how the school helped them if they ever had a problem with housing or anything like that, especially the headteacher.
I am excited for what the future holds for all of them with such a strong start from their time at Primary School.
Alex Bowie
Manager – The Art Room at Place2Be
Dear John Ruskin School…
On Tuesday 30 April a large group of JRS pupils boarded the number 12 bus at Trafalgar Square, perhaps a trip to the National Gallery? I felt it only appropriate to email your school and say how wonderfully behaved you all were.
I know some passengers were sighing and rolling their eyes as they watched such a large number of children board the bus, perhaps they anticipated a difficult onward journey, well they were wrong. At no point did your teachers need to speak to you about noise or inappropriate behaviour. You shared seats and didn’t complain about the temperature on the bus…it was hot!!
I know other passengers felt the same as I did, as I remained on the bus after you arrived at your destination. Hopefully they’ve made contact with your Headteachers too.
You are all a credit to your parents and your school.
Best wishes,
Caroline Carr
Dear Co Heads,
Just a note to say that whilst travelling on the no 52 to Victoria, I witnessed the impeccable behaviour of the children coming back to school from the science museum.
They were so well behaved getting on, during and exiting the bus. Outstanding.
Best wishes to you and your staff.
Kindest regards,
Mrs Gordon Vakis
FAO: Headteacher,
I’m one of the Schools Learning Officers here at the Horniman and taught Ancient Benin to a year 3 class today. Unfortunately, I didn’t catch the name of the teacher, but remembered them from previous visits.
I’m emailing to say how incredibly impressed I was with the class that I taught. Every pupil was very well behaved, showed clear enthusiasm for the topic, handled objects with care and interest, and had better knowledge than I would usually expect from Year 6 pupils.
It is always a pleasure to teach classes from John Ruskin, but I am so ‘wowed’ by today’s class that I felt compelled to email and let you know how fantastically well they represented your school today!
Best wishes,
Lucy Maycock
Schools Learning Officer, Learning
Horniman Museum and Gardens
We recently received a letter from Nina Dohel, Director for Education at Southwark Council. She said:
“Dear Linda and Clare
Congratulations to you and your staff on maintaining your “Outstanding” Ofsted judgement.
Please do pass on my congratulations to the staff and Governors and thank them on my behalf and that of the Local Authority of Southwark for providing our children with an outstanding standard of education and learning.”
You can read the letter in full here.
Dear Linda,
Thank you once again for welcoming me to John Ruskin.
And can I congratulate you and your entire staff team for achieving “outstanding” from OFSTED. It is clearly very well deserved and your school is a great asset to the area.
Best wishes,
Harriet Harman, MP for Camberwell & Peckham
Dear Headteachers
I just wanted to say how impressed I was with your children yesterday. I had the absolute pleasure of being with Team 20 and two amazing teachers who were just wonderful and cheered us all on.
We all had such fun and the kids were brilliant at listening, learning new touch rugby skills and had the most amazingly loud voices for their chant. Everyone was part of the team, nobody was left out.
Winning the Spirit of Rugby cup really did round off the day nicely. The team also did a great job of sharing it with the other teams from John Ruskin – it was a win for the whole school.
So thank you again for your brilliant kids and hope they can come to Twickenham in December.
Kind regards
Director at Hill, the sponsors, and
Women’s Legacy Representative at Cambridge University Rugby Union Football Club
It’s been great working with you Suzy. The language unit is a really special place and, as I have said before, I’ve learnt loads from you and the whole school community, and will miss working with you. I wish you all the best for the future.
Thanks and best wishes,
Alison Benson, Educational and Child Psychologist
Dear Headteacher
I just wanted to thank your children and staff very much for the delicious produce we bought from the school allotment at Borough Market on Wednesday 4 July.
My daughter and I were on a day trip to London and bought carrots, garlic and rhubarb which we carried back to Radlett in Hertfordshire. We ate the carrots raw as they were so tasty, we used the garlic in a tomato sauce with pasta that night and we stewed the rhubarb and had it on our cereal for breakfast. They were all very fresh and delicious.
We were really impressed with the friendliness and politeness of your pupils and their knowledge about the vegetables as well as their maths skills in working out the bill. Their teacher was also very enthusiastic about the project.
Thank you very much again and enjoy your gardening!
Gaenor and Charlotte
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